Monday, October 11, 2010

We changed lives, one soggy step at a time!

Boy did it rain on marathon day! Even the downpour didn't dampen our spirits, though. We walked, we ran, we had a great day. Many, many thanks to everyone who came out and joined in the fun, and helped raised $11,193 for Volunteers of America!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good morning Portland Marathoners! We are getting closer to our goal every day, thanks to all of you. Keep it up! Send an email this week and keep the momentum going! Remember, our top fundraiser is going to take home a sweet new iPad. I want one, you want one, we all want one...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Great progress!

Our fundraisers are doing an amazing job! We are at 35% of our goal of $10,000, so keep up the good work!

Total Donations: $3,452

Goal: $10,000
$0 35% $10,000

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Raising money, one dollar at a time!

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on our fund raising efforts:

Total Donations: $2,097

Goal: $10,000
$0 21% $10,000

Go team!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Giveaway winner!

Congratulations Greg - the winner of the $10 gift certificate to Staccato Gelato!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We've raised our first $1,000!

Our goal is $10,000 and our fundraisers are rolling up their sleeves and working hard. Kristina is in the lead, so if you want that iPad...start sending out your emails! Let people know what your personal goal is and why you are asking for their support. Send out weekly progress reports. If you are training, how many miles did you walk or run this past week? Keep people interested and they will gladly support your efforts!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We're off and running!

Congratulations to Kristina who has raised $160 on her first day of fund raising, and to Tasha who is in the lead at $250! Let's keep the momentum going...remember the top fundraiser wins an iPad!

Don't forget our giveaway this week - make a comment or follow the blog and you will have a chane to win the $10 gift certificate to Staccato Gelato.